Skin Needling Sydney
Skin Needling is an effective way in treatmenting scars, enlarged pores, poor skin texture and improve the overall appearance of the skin.
What is skin needling?
Skin needling (also known as micro-needling) is a minimally invasive procedure that involves superficial and controlled puncturing of the skin with very small, fine needles. This is done using a rolling device called the Derma Pen 4.
To treat scarring, skin needling must be performed deep within the skin, at a depth of up to three mm; only registered nurses or doctors are authorised to perform the procedure.
Skin needling is used to enhance your skin in several ways, including rejuvenating the skin, reducing pore size and reducing facial scars and stretchmarks. Skin needing initiates a healing response in your skin that leads to an increase in cellular activity, particularly the production of collagen, which is an essential ‘building block’ of healthy skin.
In addition to using the Derma Pen 4 skin needling device, we maximise your treatment outcomes by introducing light-emitting diode (LED) therapy several days after your skin needling treatment and again at intervals of one week and two weeks after your treatment. LED treatment assists in the creation of new skin cells, which is a vital element in rejuvenating your skin.
We also apply clinical grade topical Vitamin A and Vitamin C both before and after your treatment to support the growth of new cells and provide you with the best skin rejuvenation outcomes.
How many treatments are recommended?
For optimal results, we recommend three -four treatments, with a minimum of four weeks between each treatment.
Is skin needling painful?
To ensure that patients are kept as comfortable as possible, a topical anaesthetic is applied to the skin to numb the area to be treated.
How long does the procedure take?
Prior to your treatment, you will have received a consultation at Bella Plastic Surgery and will be informed of the benefits and potential risks and side effects evolved in the Skin Needling Treatment. You will also be fully informed on how to care for your skin following your skin needling treatment – you will be required to follow all post-care instructions as directed by your skin therapist.
You will need to allow at least one and a half hours for your appointment to complete a Patient Registration Form, receive your consultation, have the topical anaesthetic take affect and discuss the procedure, potential risks and post-treatment care instructions. You may also decide to have a consultation and schedule a treatment on an alternative day – this will be discussed in your initial consultation.
Following your treatment
Following your treatment, there will be some mild redness, skin warmth and mild swelling on and around the treated areas for 1-5 days. The dead skin will begin to shed over the 7–14 days following your skin needling treatment. As part of your post-treatment care plan, you will be provided with thorough exfoliating instructions.
Following this treatment, you can conceal your skin with makeup; we will recommend the most appropriate type of makeup to use.
Potential Risks
Like all non-surgical treatments performed within our clinic, there are always potential risks and side-effects that need to be considered when undergoing skin and body treatments. Although the potential risks associated with skin needling are extremely uncommon, the following may occur but are not limited to:
- Lightening or darkening of the skin in the treated areas
- Skin crusting or blistering
- Infection
- Scarring
- Granuloma formation
Following your treatment
The skin needling treatment uses micro fine needles to penetrate the skin, causing immediate trauma to the skin. This means that the treated areas will be left sore, red, and swollen. Within 48-72 hours, the skin redness will begin to fade. During this time, my skin may ooze forming some skin crusting begin to shed dead skin. This is a part of the natural healing process. It may take up to a week for the bulk of the redness to settle.
As part of your post-treatment care plan, you will be provided with an information care sheet.