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Dermamelan Sydney

Dermamelan, created by the same company that produced Cosmelan, represents the latest advancement in chemical peels, specifically formulated to address various forms of skin pigmentation, including persistent types such as Melasma (Chloasma) and other pigmentation Conditions.

Dermamelan vs Cosmelan

The administration of the Cosmelan peel is typically carried out by non-medically trained professionals like beauty therapists. In contrast, the Dermamelan peel is a medical-led treatment program exclusively performed Registered Nurses. The Dermamelan peel involves a shorter application and processing time when compared to Cosmelan, with decidedly superior results.

How does Dermamelan work?

The medical-grade Dermamelan treatment incorporates essential ingredients engineered to inhibit the skin’s enzymes responsible, responsible for pigmentation production. Additionally, the treatment plan includes exfoliating products, designed to enhance the overall appearance of the skin’s surface.

What can Dermamelan treat?

The Dermamelan treatment has been formulated to address specific skin pigmentation conditions that include superficial to moderate and deep pigmentation. This encompasses conditions such as sun-damaged skin, hyperpigmentation, and Melasma.

Potential Risks

Although the potential risks are extremely uncommon, one or more of the following may occur: 

  • Lightening or darkening of the skin in the treated areas 
  • Skin crusting or blistering  
  • Infection  
  • Scarring

As part of your post-treatment care plan, you will be provided with verbal and written post-treatment instructions.


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