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Suite 413, 29-31 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista NSW 2153

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1300 373 662


Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN)

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) treatment

We employ advanced laser technology to effectively eliminate unwanted DPN skin lesions. Our laser treatment offers a superior alternative to traditional methods such as electrodesiccation, curettage or cryotherapy.

To ensure optimal aesthetic results and minimise potential risks, we recommend a patch test treatment, where one or two DPN skin lesions are removed. After this initial patch test, a waiting period of four to six weeks is necessary before proceeding with the laser treatment for the remaining DPN lesions. This patch test is essential for assessing how well your skin heals and ensuring that the treated areas do not become lighter or darker in color, or develop abnormal scar tissue, which are rare but possible risks associated with any energy-based treatment or surgical procedure.

Generally, the skin responds very well to our laser treatment, and once treated, the same DPN skin lesions typically do not regrow.

How many treatments are required?

Typically, only one laser treatment is required to completely remove individual DPN skin lesions. However, in very few cases, a further touch-up laser treatment may be needed to achieve optimal results and ensure the lesions are entirely eradicated.

Does it hurt?

Most patients find this treatment quite manageable, but we do provide topical and local anesthetic creams for added comfort if needed.

If a topical anesthetic is required, we will ask you to come to the clinic about 30 minutes before your scheduled treatment to apply the numbing cream. Once the cream has taken effect, the procedure should be comfortable and well-tolerated. If additional local anesthesia is needed, it can be administered immediately before the laser treatment.

Recovery after treatment

Following your DPN treatment, it’s common to see some redness, mild swelling, and a yellowish discharge around the treated area for up to one to two weeks. A scab will also form, which is a normal part of the healing process.

The scab typically falls off within 7 to 14 days. To ensure proper healing, avoid touching or picking at the scab, as this can lead to irritation and increase the likelihood of scarring.

Once the scab has naturally shed, the treated area may still appear red due to the formation of new blood vessels. This redness generally fades within a few months.

Please make sure to schedule a follow-up visit at our clinic within four days of your treatment to monitor your progress and ensure optimal healing.

Potential Risks

Even though your DPN lesions have been assessed as benign by your skin cancer specialist, there is still a small chance that skin cancer could be present within the lesions at the time of your laser treatment.

The laser treatment works by ablating (burning away) the DPN lesions, which means there is no residual tissue left for further pathological examination. Therefore, please note that we cannot perform pathology testing on the treated areas.

While these risks are very uncommon, possible side effects include:

  • Changes in skin color, either lightening or darkening in the treated areas
  • Crusting or blistering of the skin
  • Risk of infection
  • Scarring, which may include hypertrophic or keloid scars

As part of your post-treatment care, you will receive detailed verbal and written instructions to help you manage the recovery process effectively.

Post-Procedure Care

After your laser treatment, you may observe some redness, bleeding, swelling, and oozing at the treatment site, which can last from several days to a couple of weeks.

It’s typical for the area to feel sore and sensitive for a few days following the procedure. Keep the area dry and refrain from getting it wet until the scab has completely fallen off.

Avoid sun exposure on the treated area for at least four weeks. Do not pick at or scratch the scab, as this can increase the risk of scarring. You may use makeup on the treated area, provided there is no severe redness, blistering, or scabbing; mineral-based makeup is preferred.

For at least two weeks after treatment, avoid using products that can irritate the skin, such as hydroquinone, bleaching creams, tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, chemical peels, glycolic acid, and salicylic acid. Additionally, avoid any rubbing or friction on the treated area for three days.

If you experience any unusual reactions or side effects, please contact our clinic right away. For urgent issues outside of regular hours, seek assistance at your local medical center or emergency department.

We will schedule a follow-up appointment at our clinic six weeks after your treatment. If you have any questions or concerns before then, please contact us to arrange a face-to-face visit.

If necessary, we can provide a specialised topical cream to support healing and offer Light Emitting Diode (LED) therapy to speed up recovery.