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Suite 413, 29-31 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista NSW 2153

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1300 373 662


Laser Red Vascular Lesion Removal Sydney

The commonest vascular lesions are typically prominent capillaries often visible on the nose and cheeks (but also other areas on the face). They are commonly referred to as “broken capillaries”. These abnormal capillaries can range from just a few to numerous capillaries creating a significant abnormal redness over a wider area.
Other benign abnormal vascular (red) type lesions exist as more prominent localised spots.

Broken capillaries, localised red spots or other blood vessel-related lesions all have one thing in common – they are all termed vascular lesions. These problems are common on the face and other parts of the body and can be quite visible. They are typically benign and readily treatable.

What are vascular lesions?

Vascular lesions occur when small blood capillaries in the skin become dilated. When grouped together vascular lesions can give the appearance of red spots and are often defined as Cherry Angiomas (small area) or Port Wine (larger area). When the blood vessels are enlarged and spread out, they are visible ‘threads’ known as Telangiectasia.

What can I expect in the treatment?

Prior to treatment your skin will be cleansed and if required, topical anaesthetic will be applied. The vascular lesion will then be removed using our laser technology which is the only laser designed with a small pen-tip head, shaped to specifically target vascular lesions.

Benefits of Vascular Lesions Removal

Most laser or IPL devices utilises a large headpiece that shrinks the blood vessels. This will often lead to a return of blood vessels within weeks or months following treatment. Our cutting-edge laser technology targets the blood vessels one-by-one until completely removed at the time of treatment.

How long does the procedure take?

The laser vascular removal procedure takes only 15 minutes, however, we allow 30-45 minutes for your appointment as this will allow time to complete a Patient Registration Form and receive a consultation where the potential risks are discussed.

How many treatments will I need?

Our laser technology facilitates the removal of vascular lesions instantly at the time of treatment. In cases where the vascular lesion is large, such as a vascular birthmark or mild-severe Telangiectasia, additional laser treatments may be required.

Is the treatment painful?

Topical and or local anaesthetic can be administered prior to your treatment to ensure you are kept very comfortable.

Post-Procedure Results

Following your treatment, some redness, swelling and skin blistering will often occur at the site of treatment. Within the first 24–48 hours after treatment, a small scab(s) may form.

After the scab(s) has formed, new skin will begin to grow in the treated areas and the redness and skin crusting will continue throughout the healing process. For several weeks your treated areas will continue to heal, and the scab will eventually fall off, leaving a red mark. This red mark is due to increased blood vessels that form to heal and repair the skin. In time, the redness will dissipate and the skin will heal. In some rare cases, the skin can become lighter or darker in the treatment area(s) – please refer to our ‘Potential Risks’ for more information.

Potential Risks  

Although the potential risks are extremely uncommon, one or more of the following may occur: 

  • Lightening or darkening of the skin in the treated areas – (Hypopigmentation or Hyperpigmentation)
  • Skin crusting or blistering  
  • Infection  
  • Scarring – which includes Hypertrophic or Keloid Scarring  

As part of your post-treatment care plan, you will be provided with verbal and written post-treatment instructions.

Post-Procedure Care

Following your laser treatment, you may notice redness, bleeding, bruising, swelling and weeping at the site of treatment, which can last for several days to weeks.   

It is normal for the treated area to feel a little sore and tender, for a few days post treatment.  You will keep the treated area dry and intact following your treatment. We will provide you with a topical cream to be used 3-4 times a day to the treated area, until the area has healed. 

  • Please refrain from getting the treated area wet until scab has fully fallen-off the treated area.  
  • Avoid exposing the treated area to the sun for a minimum of 4 weeks following treatment.
  • Do not pick as scabbing can lead to scarring. 
  • Makeup can be used over the treatment area so long as there is no extended redness, blistering or scabbing (mineral make-up is the best option).  
  • Avoid skin irritants such as hydroquinone, bleaching creams, tretinoin, retinol creams, benzoyl peroxide, chemical peels, glycolic acid, and salicylic acid for at least 2 weeks after the procedure.  
  • Avoid any rubbing or friction movements on the treated area for three days post treatment.

You will be requested to send an image of the treated area(s) 4 days post treatment via email. 

Our clinic can be contacted contact on 1300 373 662 if you experience any inflammatory reaction and/or side effect.  If necessary, additional treatments, medications and/or surgery may be necessary. If out of hours, please attend your local medical centre or emergency department.  

We will arrange a follow-up appointment for six weeks post-treatment at our clinic. If at any time you have questions or concerns, you should contact our clinic to arrange a face-to-face appointment.  

If required, you will be provided with topical cream, designed to be used post skin injury, that will provide nutrients to accelerate the skin healing process. In addition, we also offer Ligh Emitting Diode Treatment (LED) to accelerate the healing process. 



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